Hondo Owl Candy Cane 5K Thursday, December 21, 20235K starts at 5:30 p.m.$25 per individualBenefits Hondo Athletics
December Exam High School Bell Schedule High School Semester exams will be December 18th, 19th and 20th.
Juniors and Seniors attend College Fair Juniors and Seniors get the opportunity to talk to college, trade school and military recruiters.
HEF Annual Turkey Trot 5K Owlways Thankful Hondo Education Foundation 5KSaturday, November 18th @ 8:00 am
Woolls Veterans Day Celebration Students at Woolls came together to honor and celebrate the veterans in our community.
Woolls Veterans Day Celebration Woolls is honoring veterans with a celebration at the Flagpole on November 10th at 8:30 AM.
Thank you HEF for all your continued support of Hondo ISD! Thank you, Hondo Education Foundation, for all the support!
UIL State Marching Competition Day -- Nov 8th Line Hwy 90 between El Rodeo de Jalisco and Hwy 173 Exxon to wish the MOB Good Luck! Departure time is 7:15 AM.