High School Attendance Initiative High School Attendance Initiative The high school is starting an attendance initiative. Winning grade level will recieve extra time at lunch on the following Friday. Show Transcript hello parents this is Rodney Ramirez principal of Hondo High School and I would like to take this time to make you aware of our experimental attendance initiative our attendance initiative goal is to have our campus ADA average at at least 95% or better in order to accomplish this we have challenged each grade level freshmen through seniors to have the best daily attendance average for the week the winning grade level must hit at least 95% in order to receive an extra 30 minutes of lunch on the following Friday if we as a campus hit 95% attendance then all grade levels will get to have an extra 30 minutes of lunch seniors and juniors who are allowed to leave campus for lunch should their grade level will win the competition for the week will not have to report back to campus until 12:53 p.m. which is the beginning of 6 period freshmen and sophomores will be able to remain in the cafeteria where we will provide music games and supervision the winners for the week of the competition from January 13th through 17th were the seniors who averaged 95% attendance they will be having an extended lunch on Friday January 24th that's this coming Friday parents please be on the lookout for the next winning grade level which will be announced Monday January 27th and as always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 8304263341 thank you and have a great day